Saturday, October 27, 2012

Nuku Hiva

Saturday, October 27th
South Pacific
Day 28
ms Westerdam
Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands
Arriving:  10:00 AM
Departing:  6:00 PM
Mostly Sunny - 80 Degrees

At anchor in Taiohae Bay, Nuku Hiva appears to have a peaceful rustic charm, but this is the wild and woolly bad boy island of French Polynesia.  The Taipivai Valley is the setting for both the Herman Melville 1846 Novel "Typee" and 2001's "Survivor Marquesas."  Nobody's getting voted off the island this time, but we hope our survival skills aren't put to the test before sailaway.

We caught a tender for shore, visited the marketplace, and made a local friend.

With the moon rising off the bow to port, and Nuku Hiva receding at the stern, it's a six-day sail North by Northwest to our...

Last Stop:  San Diego

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